You can select any shipping method that is available for your location. We ship using either FedEx or USPS. We process orders in the morning, so if you place your order before 3:00 PM (CST) we will get it shipped out the same-day.
When viewing a shipping estimate please remember that packages shipped via FedEx only move on business days. Also remember that the first day does not count as a transit day. For instance if you order on Thursday before 3:00 PM (CST) the order would ship out on Thursday, and the order is shipping to Southern California (4-Days Transit Time) then your package would arrive on Wednesday.
We will email you your tracking number(s) at 6:00 PM CST the day your order ships out. However, keep in mind that some services do not include tracking info. You can also check your account for tracking information as well.
Below we have supplied a FedEx map that will give you an estimate of ground shipping time, please remember that this should only be used as an estimate. Please note some items are drop-shipped by the manufacturer so the map below is not always accurate. If you need an exact shipping time quote please contact us.
International Shipping
We allow you to select any shipping method that is available for your location. We can ship using either FedEx or USPS. We process orders in the morning, so if you place your order before 3:00 PM (CST) we will get it shipped out the same-day.
We cannot supply shipping time estimates for international shipping. However, if tracking info is available we will send it to you.
We are not responsible for any duty fees, or taxes. Duty fees, and taxes normally need to be paid by you on delivery. We do not know the amount, and cannot supply this info. We cannot mark packages as a 'gift' to evade duty fees, or taxes.
If you have any additional questions please do not hesitate to contact us.